CG 1 - LOGOresearch_Assignment
The objective of this assignment is to begin to "Think Like a Designer" and in this case, a Graphic Designer.
As a Graphic Designer, you may need to know how to design a LOGO for a company. To design a LOGO, a Graphic Designer needs to research the company and learn to "ask the right questions".
For this assignment, you will:
Click the button below to make a COPY of the GOOGLE SLIDES template
Change the name of the COPIED Google Doc to:
LOGOresearch_yourlastname - Delete the "Copy of" and type your actual last name at the end of the file. There should be NO SPACES in your file name! |
Now on the GOOGLE Slides Steps...
1. Create a TITLE PAGE for your first slide - you can decide the title!
2. Do a Google Image search to look up 3 LOGOS from your favorite brands or products - choose things you like! (Download, or COPY & PASTE the images).
3. Create 3 slides and add one LOGO to each slide (3 total Logos)
Answer FIVE questions for EACH Logo on your Google Slides presentation.
1. What does the brand stand for?
What is the brand all about? Big savings for frugal shoppers? Providing a superior quality product? Listening to customers? Helping to heal the environment? Personal health and beauty? 2. Why was the name chosen? Steve Jobs came up with the name for Apple while on a fruitarian kick and after visiting a farming commune; he thought the name sounded "fun, spirited and not intimidating" 3. What's the business story? Colonel Harland David Sanders, the restaurateur who founded the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) restaurant chain in 1930, remains central to its logo to this day. 4. What's specific about this business? World-renowned British fashion, sportswear, and apparel brand Fred Perry was established by the eponymous tennis champion in the 1940s - a fact not lost in the design of the logo. 5. What's the brand’s personality? Like the car itself, the Jaguar logo is full of personality Yes, a brand has a personality. And if it doesn’t, you better develop one quick. A customer should be able to describe the business using five adjectives - what are they? Only once you figure that out can you decide whether they're conveyed by your logo design. |
Your GOOGLE SLIDE presentation, when finished, should have a total of 4 slides.
- A Title Page - YOU come up with an appropriate title for your presentation
- 3 Slides - One for each LOGO with answers to the 5 questions
- Make sure to DELETE the "questions slide" in the template before you turn in your assignment.
Make sure to name your file: LOGOresearch_yourlastname
Make sure to change the SHARE preferences in Google Docs to "Anyone with the link" Make sure to Delete the "Questions Slide" Make sure to SUBMIT your file in SCHOOLOGY for assessment! Do not share this Google Slides with me! Before you turn in your file check the RUBRIC in Schoology to see what will be assessed! |
Student Example below (3 LOGOs)
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