Step 1 & Step 2 due
Step 1:
Click the link below (or copy+paste into your browser) to apply to the 2018-2019 YM@D program. This provides our team with your contact information: https://gm.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bxqUqSNAAPjhh8V Step 2: 1. Write a paragraph (500 words maximum) consisting of a short bio. Include your interests, artistic background, and ideas on why a career in design or sculpting might be something that would interest you. 2. Send images of your artistic pursuits thus far with your most recent work first. Please pay attention to how your art looks on a high-definition monitor, especially if it did not start out as digital media. Poor scans and fuzzy cell-phone photographs will be disqualified. You may also caption images with title, description, or both if you desire. 3. Title of your portfolio MUST have your last name in it. Example: YM@D_app_C._Smith.pdf 4. Suggested number of images: 10 - 25 images spread out over 5-20 pages 5. Two of your original sketches must be of a car or truck exterior. “Extra credit” will be given for including vehicle interior sketches and/or product design examples such as interior components. 6. Portfolio layout should be submitted electronically as landscape format 8.5" 11.0" Adobe Reader .pdf format. You must limit your .pdf to no larger than 10 mb. PLEASE SUBMIT ONE PDF FILE ONLY CONTAINING ALL YOUR IMAGES – in the landscape format. Please submit portfolios to [email protected] and include in the subject line: 2018-2019 YM@D PORTFOLIO SUBMISSION The due date for your portfolio submission is Tuesday, October 2, 2018 at 8:00 a.m. Students will be notified via email of their status by Friday, October 5. RESOURCES & REFERENCES: Two online portfolio preparation resources & references are below: http://www.cardesignnews.com/portfolios/ http://www.coroflot.com/people#specialty=47&page_no=1 Photos from last year's program can be viewed at the following link to GM Design Educational Relation's Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/GMDesignEducation |
Please submit portfolios to [email protected] and include in the subject line: 2017-2018 YM@D PORTFOLIO SUBMISSION